The staff
For the last few years, we have worked hard to put in place the necessary conditions for the good development of the children.
But it is mainly the deep involvement and devotion of our staff and of our volunteers that give the Maison d’Enfants its soul.
Under the supervision of the Director and with the assistance of a committee, the permanent staff is composed of :
- more than 180 employees, of which 160 are paid by the association.
- more than 110 childcare assistants make up 3 teams that take turns 24h/24h, 365 days a year
- 70 other persons work in the different services :
- Medical and paramedical
- Educational support
- Administration,
- Catering,
- Maintenance,
- Surveillance.
A team of volunteers work with us in the 2 centres and regularly give some of their time to the children. About 20 persons contribute to the wellbeing of the children by organising outings, painting or cooking workshops…etc) according to their availability.
To join our team of volunteers,click here! !