+212 522 99 31 33

Registered non-profit association


Since the creation of Association Al Ihssane and to this day, 1700 children have been given the chance to grow up within loving families!

The "Kafala" is the full support (not full adoption) of an abandoned child by a Muslim married couple or by a single Muslim woman, regardless of nationality.

The Kafala, a home for an abandoned child, is the aim of our action . It is the best option for the well-being and equilibrium of these children.

S.K., Director of the Maison d'Enfants Lalla Hasnaa, says it so well: "we all wish for these children that they may find open arms and open hearts, so that the Maison d'Enfants Lalla Hasnaa becomes a mere passage in their life."


For more information :

  • please consult the Dahir n°1-02-172 du 1 rabii 1423 portant promulgation de la loi n°15-01 relative à la prise en charge (la kafala) des enfants abandonnés (B.O du 5 septembre 2002) on the website Dahir Kafala
  • Or / and contact the Director of the establishment


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