+212 522 99 31 33

Registered non-profit association

The committee

The association is headed by a committee of 13 members that work actively on a daily basis for the welfare of the children. Mrs Alaoui is Delegate President since 2000.

We work hand in hand with the personnel detached from the Ministry of Health, the Wilaya, and the "Promotion Nationale".


The association is responsible for

  • The management of the global budget and therefore of all the children's needs :
    • 100% of the food
    • 100%  of medication and healthcare products (diapers..)
    • 100% of clothing
    • 100% of school supplies
    • 100% of cleaning products
    • 75% of salaries of accompanying staff (more than 160 employees are directly paid by the association)
    • Job interviews for maternal assistants
  • Management of the administrative staff(excluding the director)

The state authorities are responsible for

  • The director of the establishment (detached from the Ministry of Health)
  • The property and maintenance of the premises
  • The medical staff
  • Vaccinations and hospitalisations
  • Participation in up to 36 % of mass salaries.





Our budget

Every year, it is submitted to an external audit, in order to be certified. The staff salaries and the fees (external providers) are the greatest expenses of the association: 75%. Expenses concerning the beneficiaries (food, medicines, diapers, medical care) represent 10 % of the global budget.

Apart from running expenses, the association invests in the constant renovation of its centres and improvement of its management.
All this would have been impossible to accomplish without the financial gains from events organised by our members and without the financial support from our partners .
Private donations are the main financial source of the association.
Every year, our challenge is to maintain this budget through regular donations


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